Clinical Trials

GRASP – Arm Function Post-stroke

We know more repetitive practice can improve arm function post-stroke, but how can we deliver more therapy without great expense or resources?  Dr. Eng and her doctoral student, Jocelyn Harris developed the Graded Repetitive Arm Supplementary Program (GRASP), which is a patient self-managed arm and hand exercise program.  Her team showed that this novel method of service delivery improved arm function over a control group in a multi-site randomized controlled trial.  Due to evidence provided from this study, a supplementary arm exercise program is now recommended by the Canadian Stroke Best Practice Guidelines. Funded by Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC and Yukon. For more information, please visit the GRASP page of this website.

Improving Cognition through Exercise

Studies show that 43 to 78% of individuals with stroke have cognitive impairments.  Can we improve memory and thinking abilities with exercise?  Dr. Eng and her post-doctoral fellow Debbie Rand led this study which showed that an exercise and leisure program could improve memory and executive functioning in individuals with chronic stroke. Funded by the Canadian Stroke Network and Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

FAME – Mobility Function Post-stroke

Secondary complications such as heart disease, falls and fractures are common after stroke. This paper describes a series of clinical trials which Dr. Eng and her team have undertaken to develop the Fitness and Mobility Exercise Program (FAME).  These studies showed that FAME can improve health, including mobility, cardiovascular fitness, bone health, postural reflexes, balance and muscle strength in individuals with stroke. For more information, visit the FAME page of this website.